Tristan Marrec

Computer Graphics Programmer
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Mesh Shaders and Meshlet Culling -

I recently became interested in the amplification/mesh pipeline, the relatively new rendering pipeline that can be used with modern GPUs.

So I experimented with a basic DirectX/Vulkan renderer that divides meshes into meshlets and frustum culls them on the GPU.

Here’s the result, with frustum culling occupying 1/4 of the window resolution in the center.

And here with a correct frustum culling size and without debug colors.

Code available as ZIP download.

DirectX / Vulkan Abstraction

First of all, I wanted my engine to work with DirectX and Vulkan. To do this, I needed an abstraction layer, but just for my simple needs, which are prototyping, so that everything is kept to a minimum for fast iteration time. I’m not trying to build a production-ready engine.

My main rendering class is a virtual singleton class, which can be templated for either API, here’s a simplified version of the virtual definition, nothing special here:

class Renderer : public Singleton<Renderer>
    virtual void CreateDevice() = 0;
    virtual void CreateSwapchain() = 0;
    virtual void CreateFence(u32 idx) = 0;
    virtual void CreateCommandLists(u32 idx) = 0;
    virtual void SetPipelineState(void amplificationShaderHandle, u32 meshShaderHandle, u32 pixelShaderHandle) = 0;
    virtual u32 CreateBuffer(BufferType type, u32 sizeInBytes, u32 strideInBytes, const string& name, AllocType allocType = CE_BUFFER_ALLOC_TYPE_Default) = 0;
    virtual u32 LoadShader(ShaderType type, const std::wstring& filename) = 0;
    virtual u32 LoadModel(const std::wstring& filename) = 0;
    virtual void Present() = 0;
    virtual void GetOrWaitNextFrame() = 0;
    virtual void WaitAllFrames() = 0;
    virtual SharedPtr<Context> GetCurrentContext() = 0;
    u32 m_FrameIdx = 0;

Perhaps you’ve notified methods returning an u32.. When the renderer needs to return data, instead of having an API-templated structure (like one to handle VkBuffer/ID3D12Resource), I decided to just have a handle, which is an index into an array holding the data, which may be considered less clean but I really like its simplicity, even if debugging can be more difficult.

Here is an example of a handle being created:

u32 Renderer_DX12::LoadShader(const ShaderType type, const std::wstring& filename)
    IDxcBlob* result = CompileShader(type, filename);
    const D3D12_SHADER_BYTECODE byteCode =
        .pShaderBytecode = result->GetBufferPointer(),
        .BytecodeLength = result->GetBufferSize(),
    std::wcout << "Shader " << m_Shaders.size()-1 << " loaded. (" <<  filename.c_str() << ")\n";
    return m_Shaders.size() - 1;

Right now there’s no handle deletion system, I don’t need it yet :^)

Meshlet generation and culling

Time for the main course. Using meshoptimizer, I start by generating meshlets (a group of spatially close triangles) of the mesh. Here’s a close-up view of these meshlets, with each color corresponding to a different meshlet.

Also, using the same library, I generate each meshlet space bounding sphere and normal cone. Using these meshlet boundaries, in the Amplification Shader stage, I can select only the meshlet visible to the camera frustrum to be dispatched into the Mesh Shader stage.

Here’s the code for the amplification shader, responsible for culling meshlets:

#include "Common.hlsli"

groupshared Payload s_Payload;

bool IsVisible(MeshletBounds bounds, float4x4 world, float3 viewPos)
    // Frustum culling
    float4 center = mul(float4(, 1), world);
    float radius = bounds.radius;
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
        if (dot(center, Globals.Planes[i]) < -radius)
            return false;
    // Backface culling
    if (dot(normalize(bounds.cone_apex - viewPos), bounds.cone_axis) >= bounds.cone_cutoff)
        return false;
    return true;

[NumThreads(32, 1, 1)]
void main(uint gtid : SV_GroupThreadID, uint dtid : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint gid : SV_GroupID)
    bool visible = false;
    // Check bounds of meshlet cull data resource
    if (dtid < Globals.MeshletCount)
        visible = IsVisible(MeshletBoundsBuffer[dtid], Globals.World, Globals.CameraPos);
    // Compact visible meshlets into the export payload array
    if (visible)
        uint index = WavePrefixCountBits(visible);
        s_Payload.MeshletIndices[index] = dtid;
    // Dispatch the required number of MS threadgroups to render the visible meshlets
    uint visibleCount = WaveActiveCountBits(visible);
    DispatchMesh(visibleCount, 1, 1, s_Payload);

Now that only visible meshlets are sent to the Mesh Shader stage, we can decode their triangles. Fortunately, meshoptimizer provides the buffers I send to the GPU to retrieve all the necessary triangle data for each meshlet.

Here is the code for the mesh shader, responsible for producing the visible meshlets triangles:

#include "Common.hlsli"

uint3 GetTriangle(Meshlet m, uint index)
    return uint3( MeshletTriangles[2 + m.triangleOffset + index * 3],
                  MeshletTriangles[1 + m.triangleOffset + index * 3],
                  MeshletTriangles[0 + m.triangleOffset + index * 3]  );
uint GetVertexIndex(Meshlet m, uint index)
    return MeshletVertices[(m.vertexOffset + index)];
VertexOut GetVertexAttributes(uint meshletIndex, uint vertexIndex)
    Vertex v = Vertices[vertexIndex];
    VertexOut vout;
    vout.PositionVS = mul(float4(v.Position, 1), Globals.WorldView).xyz;
    vout.PositionHS = mul(float4(v.Position, 1), Globals.WorldViewProj);
    vout.Normal = mul(float4(v.Normal, 0), Globals.World).xyz;
    vout.MeshletIndex = meshletIndex;
    return vout;
[NumThreads(124, 1, 1)]
void main(
  in uint gtid : SV_GroupThreadID,
  in uint gid : SV_GroupID,
  in payload Payload payload,
  out indices uint3 tris[124],
  out vertices VertexOut verts[64]
    uint meshletIndex = payload.MeshletIndices[gid];
    if (meshletIndex >= Globals.MeshletCount)
    Meshlet m = Meshlets[meshletIndex];
    SetMeshOutputCounts(m.vertexCount, m.triangleCount);
    if (gtid < m.triangleCount)
        tris[gtid] = GetTriangle(m, gtid);
    if (gtid < m.vertexCount)
        const uint vertexIndex = GetVertexIndex(m, gtid);
        verts[gtid] = GetVertexAttributes(gid, vertexIndex);

And voila, simple as that!

Benchmarks and final thoughts

With the meshlets culling, which mesh shaders allow us to do easily, the gain is massive on frame time.

Amazon Lumberyard Bistro exterior scene DX12 (fps) VK (fps)
No Culling 1318 1557
Frustum Culling 1696 (+28.67%) 2311 (+48.42%)
Frustum + Backface Culling 1725 (+30.88%) 2317 (+48.81%)

Note that my current renderer is very simple, using only a single forward pass with basic Blinn-Phong shading. I suspect this culling could have a better impact on a heavier rendering pipeline, for example when used with Cascaded Shadow Maps, by filtering all geometry outside the shadow visibility frustrum of each cascade.

In conclusion, I really like this pipeline and this method, which are both simple and offer good performance gains. I’ll probably continue to use it for my test engine.


  1. DirectX Graphics Samples : Mesh Shaders - Microsoft.

  2. Introduction to Turing Mesh Shaders - Christoph Kubisch, Nvidia.

  3. DirectX-Specs : Mesh Shader - Microsoft.

  4. Mesh Shading for Vulkan - Christoph Kubisch, Nvidia.

  5. Meshoptimizer - Arseny Kapoulkine.